I just knew that the Smith 2k electric car (the one that drives on land, sails in the sea and hovers in
the air) which I mentioned in the last newsletter,
would bring about a lot of feedback. Like myself, not many took this site seriously, especially
when their short video was lacking content and was about as exciting as watching a banana rotting in the sun.
I did promise those who contacted me though, that I would look into this company a little more and let everyone know what I found out.
Well, there is not much to tell. The site had no information about the company what-so-ever, which looks very
suspicious to me. The site has been up since December 2004, and owned by Smith Engineering. When I did a little
research on Smith Engineering, obviously there were a few such organizations, none of which had any connection
with this Smith 2k.
So for the meantime I have this organization
listed under "crackpots", until I learn otherwise.
If you want to check out the "real thing" in high class electric cars pop over and take a look at the Telsa Roadster. It can do 0 - 60 in 4 seconds.
Although this really isn't directly connected with electricity, I would like to bring up the subject of VoIP service. A few months ago I changed my VoIP provider. Even though my old provider included many features and
was one of the very few who advertised that they
provide support in Israel, The quality was getting worse and worse, and the support that was promised was useless.
In my opinion, there are two main problems using the major VoIP providers ( Vonage, Packet8, Net2Phone, etc) in Israel.
1. They have no server in Israel - especially if the plan includes local (Israel) phone calls.
2. They have no "real" support in Israel.
Just when I was about to give up on the whole VoIP scene, I stumbled upon a relatively new VoIP
provider in Israel that not only gives you REAL support, but also has a server here in Israel (in Bezeq International to be exact). The company is called Go-Telecom.
I popped over to peek at their website (which needs a lot of work) and called them up. Within a day I was set up and running, and the best part was that it didn't cost me a cent. Go-Telecom charges NO setup fee like most the other providers do, and the adapter is
FREE to use as long as you are using their services. In other words, it basically cost me nothing to try out the system. So I ask you, how could anyone go wrong? I am now as happy as I can be with my VoIP service.
If anyone is interested in checking them out, you can pop over to:
I was very happy to hear that so many people found "Understanding Your Electrical Bill" very helpful. I've received a lot of positive
feedback. Many have asked me to do the same with other utility bills, but unfortunately the other bills have no connection with electricity
and don't really belong on the site.
Having said that...take a look below and see what's coming soon to Megavolt.
I am happy to announce that there will soon be a whole new section in Megavolt that will deal with tele-communication.
We are planning to include in this new section articles on the various internet providers in Israel, as well as comparisons on the VoIP providers. We will try to let you know about the different services that Bezeq provides, and yes...we hope to have an
explanation of their telephone bill. Lots more is on the agenda so drop by from time to time.
If anyone has any suggestions or requests, please contact me.
A few interesting articles were added this month.
"Give your rooms a welcoming, soft glow now that the long nights are with us", says GABRIELLE FAGAN. "Get Switched on to New Lighting"
gives you new ideas for lighting up your home .
The people of a small village in eastern Bulgaria woke up to a home full of burnt-out appliances. I suppose no one told them about surge
protectors. Read about the incident in "Village's Appliances All Blow Up".
With all the different types of fluorescent tubes around, ever wonder how to identify them by the markings found on the end of the tube?
"How Fluorescent Lamps are
Labeled" will explain how to interpret these codes.
"Ode to the Missing Surge Protector" is one of the new additions to the
humor section. Check it out for a laugh.
This Fruit Powered Digital Clock
Ever hear of a digital clock and calendar powered by fruit? This fruit powered digital clock and calendar combines micro-electronic
technology with the natural electrical potential of a fresh fruit or vegetable. The Fruit Clock uses the original scientific principles
on which all modern electrical storage batteries are based. To learn more, pop over to:
Clean Power from Waves
Innovative Technology Inventory (ITI) S.D.E. Energy Ltd. has developed the technology to build a power station producing clean,
renewable electrical energy from sea waves. It can withstand virtually any weather condition, and requires only minimal maintenance and
supervision. This system already has a U.S. Patent with others pending world- wide. Read the whole story:
Electrical Candles to Blow Out
I'm sure everyone has used electric candles at one point or other, so what makes these electric candles worthy of gadget status?
Apart from looking cool, you can light them with a match and blow them out! Sound strange? Take a look:
When moving into a new apartment (rented or purchased), it’s a good idea to chart out your electrical panel as soon as possible.
It is very important to do an accurate job, otherwise the list will be close to useless. If done
correctly, this chart will benefit you,
in more ways than one, in the future.