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Staying Connected in Israel
How to choose an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in IsraelBy: Yair HakakIsrael has one of the highest rates of high-speed internet penetration of any country on earth. Over 55% of households in Israel are connected to the internet, and because of significant competition between providers, rates are generally quite low. Consumers who want to connect to the internet in Israel must purchase two services, an “infrastructure” service (known in Hebrew as “tashtit”) and an ISP (“internet service provider”) service. Each without the other is of no value. There are currently two infrastructure providers in Israel, Bezeq - the telephone company, and HOT - the cable company. There are a number of internet service providers, with 5 major ISP’s sharing the bulk of the market. The thinking behind this strange (and, to the best of my knowledge, completely unique) arrangement, which was created by the Ministry of Communications, is that this creates competition between Bezeq and HOT on one side (as to who will give the consumer internet "infrastructure"), and competition between the ISP's on the other side (as to who will connect the consumer to the internet regardless of which company he gets "infrastructure" from). Infrastructure Consumers can choose either ADSL, which is offered by Bezeq, or Cable Modem
technology, which is offered by HOT. Speeds today range from 750 Kilobits per second to 5 Megabits per second (there are 1024 kilobits in a megabit - meaning 5 MB is roughly 6 times faster than 750 KB). HOT's network is more prone to lower speeds when more people are logged on, as it is based on shared bandwidth between all users in a neighborhood. However, when conditions are optimal (few users) cable is capable of higher speeds than ADSL.
ISP In practice, the choice of "infrastructure" is far less important than the choice of ISP. This is because all ISP's (not just in Israel) work on a ratio of number of users to amount of bandwidth. Thus, while an ISP may provide a connection of 5 MB, it is highly unlikely that the user will be able to download a file, for example, at this rate. This is for a number of reasons:
In Israel, there are a few quirks that should be explained. Israel is connected to the rest of the world by undersea fiber-optic cables from the coast to Europe. Israeli ISP's buy "space" on these cables to connect them to the rest of the world, via Europe (usually Italy). Therefore, downloading from sites in the USA may be slower than downloading from sites in European countries. In order to save money, the Israel Internet Association (http://www.isoc.org.il) has created a "private internet" for Israeli ISP's, so that traffic from one ISP to another inside Israel doesn't need to travel over the undersea cables. Rather, all local traffic never leaves the country, and is therefore significantly faster. If you'd like to see these effects in action, do the following. Open a command window (MS DOS prompt on windows) from your computer and type the following:
tracert www.columbia.edu
This will show you a list of all the "hops" that your traffic takes to reach the web servers of Columbia University in New York. Most Israeli ISP's take about 180 milliseconds to accomplish this. If you do a similar "traceroute" to Tel Aviv university (tracert www.tau.ac.il) you should see that this takes about 15-20 milliseconds, which is significantly less.
How to Choose an ISP
What to know how much bandwidth each ISP has inside Israel? http://www.isoc.org.il/iix/2x_list.html
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